Learn More About the
History of the Academic Scholarship
The Academic Excellence Award-Giải Khuyến Học (formerly known as the Nguyễn Xuân Vinh Scholarship Foundation) was founded in 1999. The organizers are among the first group of pioneers who came to America from Vietnam in 1975, including Long Đào, Hương Trần, Lịch Hồ, Liên Trần, Long Sao, Minh Trần, Nhơn Đặng, Tri Phương Nguyễn, and Ngọc Triêm Nguyễn. These founders have dedicated their valuable time to finding and empowering potential lifelong learners within the Vietnamese community. Additionally, their purpose is to pay tribute to Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Vinh (January 1, 1930 – July 23, 2022), who was not only a renowned Vietnamese American aerospace scientist but also a well-respected educator. Through their diligent efforts, these founders led the scholarship foundation, which bestowed more than 2,000 awards from 1999 to 2018 to the youth of Vietnamese descent in Saint Louis, fostering academic pursuits for advanced education.
The St. Louis Vietnamese Community (STLVNC) is honored to uphold and continue the legacy of the Nguyễn Xuân Vinh Scholarship Foundation, a platform that has enriched our youth academically for almost two decades. Through this endeavor, we want to partner with parents, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers to motivate and build potential youth in effective and positive leadership.
Participate in the Academic Scholarship
Apply Today! We will be celebrating and rewarding the efforts of our students at St. Louis Public Libary - Central Library Auditorium
June 2nd, 2024
1:45 PM to 3:00 PM
1301 Olive St, Saint Louis, MO 63103